Partnering with Farmers to Produce High-Quality Products
Mahorahora is a sociopreneur startup in the field of agriculture that focuses on empowering farmers and communities to produce high-quality arenga sugar that is well-received in both local and global markets.
To actively empower farmers and local communities, advance agricultural products, and add value across the entire supply chain to help enhance and level up Indonesia's economy.
We provide delicious and healthy products.

Organic Products
From selected communities of farmers who practice organic farming.

100% Indonesia
Dibudidayakan dan diproduksi

Packaged and produced directly from the hands of farmers.

Memajukan Petani
Fair purchasing prices to ensure better economic conditions for farmers.
How We Do It
• Bermitra dengan Kelompok Tani (Gapoktan) dan lebih dari 300 orang petani dalam mengembangkan dan menjaga konsistensi kualitas produk.
• Creating and developing Mahorahora into a preferred brand among Indonesian communities.
• Conducting education on the benefits and uses of the products.
• Building various distribution channels and points of sale, both online and offline, locally and globally.

By producing 20 kg of arenga sugar per month through agroforestry, it means preserving 1 palm tree to survive in the forest. What are the impacts?
It absorbs and stores approximately 200 liters of water, thus playing a role in flood mitigation.
During rain, each leaf sheath can hold 1-2 liters of water for several hours, providing an extended period for the soil beneath to absorb more water and nourish the surrounding trees.
With its fibrous roots reaching depths of up to 15 meters and spreading up to 10 meters wide, the palm tree is capable of controlling erosion and landslides.
The diverse animal species, including civets and honeybees, are attracted to the palm tree ecosystem. The palm tree flowers produce nectar that is beneficial for honeybees.
The palm tree has a carbon content of approximately 250 kg, enabling it to absorb CO2 from the air. Additionally, the presence of other plants living alongside it further contributes to carbon sequestration.
There is a wide variety of biodiversity around the palm tree. Research indicates the presence of up to 83 species from 42 families in the surrounding ecosystem.
Each trunk of the palm tree is covered in ijuk fibers, creating an ideal environment for the growth of fern plants. This leads to a rich presence of ferns around the tree.
The palm tree has a coverage area of up to 100-150 square meters. Its leaves are pinnate, climbing, with a length of up to 8.5 meters. The leaf stalk measures around 1.5 meters, while the leaflets reach up to 1.4 meters in length.
Certified Halal and Organic

Mahorahora's Arenga Sugar is made from carefully selected palm sap. It is processed naturally and hygienically to produce a delicious taste and aroma. It is free from additives, preservatives, and artificial coloring.
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